Can Spam Be Stopped?
Worried about safeguarding your computer and your important data in today’s connected world? Our Security Suite will help you keep your kids safe on the internet, protect your system from viruses and spy ware, back up and encrypt your important data, and more.
Unscrupulous person have taken advantage of the boom in email and web use to attempt everything from selling a large range of products to stealing your personal identity and credit card information. Spamming has become a profitable business, driven by the low cost of sending email compared to other direct marketing techniques.
The high return on investment for spammers has resulted in an over helming volume of unwanted messages in personal and business email boxes. The spammers made a simple evaluation: conducting a direct mail campaign costs an average of $1.39 per person, meaning that a response rate of 1 in 14 is necessary just to break even on a $20 item. Selling the same $20 item via unsolicited spam email costs only $0.0004 per person, meaning that a response rate of 1 in 50000 gets the seller back to break even; anything above that is gravy. With profit margins like these, it is easy to see why spammers will try anything to get past anti spam technology to deliver their messages to your inbox.
The proliferation of spam on email and spy ware in web browser may make you want to throw your hand up in disgust and walk away from the internet. Instead of giving up, take Spam Blocker and have some effective ways to enjoy your online experiences without the hassles of unwanted advertising and intruders.
For many users receiving spam everyday is a nightmare. With Spam Blocker from Security Suite, you can keep your inbox clean of unwanted emails. An intelligent spam filter studies every email characteristics so seriously that in many cases it is more accurate than filtering by hand.
It is easy to use software, made to reduce and block spam.
Spam is an ever growing problem, using and working with them can often prove to be very complex. The best solution to avoid it is Spam Blocker!
It is mail filter software that is designed to make installation, configuration and maintenance as simple as possible. Using it is possible to fight spam, reduce and stop spam.
We must not forget that 50% of all emails worldwide are spam mails. The total volume of email sent in 2004 exceeded two trillion messages, and continue to grow at an exponential rate through 2007. With this sort of massive email volume traveling across the internet, the need for accurate and through spam protection has never been greater.
Security Suite response to the spam explosion is Spam Blocker, to reduce email volume from senders who consistently send spam. It is a powerful tool to fight against spam, and the suite is a real efficient product to fight spam and other email threats.
Spam Blocker identifies legitimate emails, in addition to accurately identifying spam. It enhances its effectiveness by employing proven techniques to including black lists, white lists, sender identification.
You can stop the spam flood with Spam Blocker, your PC or your organization can cope with spam volume explosion and maximize the effectiveness of your email security investment.
You can also evict the spammers from your inbox, block spam and other email threats from you. You will reduce spam volume explosion and maximize the effectiveness of your email security investment.
Spam Blocker is software, not a service, so you will use it forever. It stops spam completely, immediately after installation, with no configuration and stops annoying interruptions from spam and repeat offenders.
Spam Blocker is dealing with spam painless and effortless. Spam Blocker couldn’t be more elegant or simpler to use. It is a spam fighter that stops 100 percent of junk email straight out of the box.
Messages from people you know are delivered to your inbox and all other messages are quarantined. Spam Blocker automatically builds your white list of approved senders by scanning your saved / sent emails and contacts. As you work with your email, Spam Blocker automatically updates the list on your behalf.
With Spam Blocker you can send uninvited email and spam out of your inbox automatically with an email filter that blocks spam and puts you in complete control over who may send email to you or from preventing emails to reach your inbox. The software blocks spam and filter according to pre-set categories, keywords, domain names, and more! Spam Blocker Provides a safe preview of email, with the ability to turn image display off.
Spam Blocker is easy to use, no complicated configuration or training necessary.
Can Spam Be Blocked? The answer is yes, but it takes the steps from above to have again the possibility to enjoy your email reading everyday.