Difference Between Zigbee and Z Wave
With wireless home security systems, you’ll be able to come across the technologies or home automation standards known as Z-Wave and Zigbee. Just what are Z-Wave and Zigbee and how are they similar and different from one another? Both Z-Wave and Zibgee are known as mesh networks which mean that every node integrated in that system will act as a wireless source of data and as a repeater as well. The data from one node will continue to jump or hop from one node to the next node until it reaches the gateway router. Both Z-Wave and Zigbee are also commonly used by companies manufacturing wireless home security systems and other things such as HVAC control, home automation and other systems for security. These networks also use the same protocol known as low rate personal area network for a united physical layer.
Zigbee is different from Z-Wave as such because it uses the 2.4GHz frequency band which means that the hardware using it can be installed and used in any part of the world. However 2.4 GHz is a busy frequency and can be prone to interferences from Bluetooth devices and Wi-Fi. Z-Wave is different since it uses the 915 MHz ISM frequency ban. Z-Wave utilizes their own radio system made by Sigma Designs while Zigbee has several providers for their radio systems. Z-Wave has lesser interoperability hassles than Zigbee when it comes to this aspect.
Many users find Z-Wave has better interoperability and its easier to use products made with Z-Wave network. There are many industries that uses Z-Wave such as manufacturers of home automation, wireless security systems and providers of controls for lighting. With the Z-Wave protocol the compatibility concerns and the need for professional installers to install home automation systems are totally eliminated. The Z Wave protocol can communicate effectively with one another. The latest program from Z-Wave is known as the Z-Wave Plus.
Z-Wave Plus is the latest certified program by Sigma Designs made for consumers to easily identify products that has the latest Z Wave platform for hardware. It is also known as the 500 series or the fifth generation Z- Wave. It includes more and enhanced capabilities and features made to improve the experience for the users and for quick and hassle free installation and setting up.
Many wireless home security systems in the market right now are made with Z-Wave and one of them is the Aetherlink DIY camera which is built with the Z-Wave plus technology – the latest with the Z-Wave 500 series chip and module.
Benefits of the Z-Wave Plus with wireless home security systems:
• Extended RF range coverage67 percent more
• 3 RF channels can be operated in some locations for further immunity to interferences
• Improved bandwidth – 250 percent more
• Better battery life – 50 percent increase
• NWI – Plug and play installation (network wide inclusion)
• Compatibility with devices that operate under the older versions of Z Wave
The latest Z Wave Plus offer has several benefits that makes devices that create smart homes become more user friendly. Zigbee is also creating major changes with the ratification of their network known as Zigbee 3.0 by the end of 2015. These developments will require time to be realized by the end users as the surroundings with which they are placed also need to converge with it.