How to Make Your Own Affirmation Tapes
If you want the very best in affirmation tapes, you should consider making your own. Not only is it inexpensive but, they may be far more effective than the commercial products on the market.
Virtually all research into accelerated learning has proven that the more of your senses that you can involve in the process, the greater effect you will have on the learning process. In developing your own affirmation audios, you combine research and reading, writing, verbalizing and listening all at the same time. This make your affirmations much more powerful.
In addition, you get to pick the specific affirmations that will suit your needs. While there are many excellent commercial audios available, they are designed for a wide audience. If you make your own affirmation audios, you get to tailor the affirmations that will work best for you.
Another reason to make your own audios is that they will be in your own voice. Scientific research has proven that the conscious and subconscious minds are far more sensitive to hearing your own voice. So your mind is far more likely to implement your affirmations when they are in your own voice.
The first step is to decide what you want to accomplish and then design the specific affirmations that you need. If you need help in writing out your affirmations then you may want to Google the term: affirmations. This will give you a good head-start in writing out your affirmation script.
When writing your affirmations, make sure that they are in the first person and always written in the present tense. The past is ancient history and the future only exists in your dreams. However, what we do and say in this present moment will affect future events.
Take extreme care in writing your affirmations. Never use words like want or desire because that is what you will receive. For example if your affirmation says: I want to be wealthy, then that is exactly what you will receive-want not wealth. A better choice would be: I am thankful that my wealth grows greater and greater everyday. Not only is it in the present tense but it also does not create a reality of want. Another affirmation that you may wish to use is to define wealth and also what good you are and will receive from it. Affirmations should be timely and specific.
In making your affirmation audios, you should set them to a background of 60 beat per second music. Famed super-learning researcher Georgi Lorzanov discovered that this type of music brought about an alpha mind state which greatly enhances the effect of any sort of learning or affirmations. The most common 60 beat music is Mozart, Bach and Gregorian Chant. It should be played softly in the background and not overpower your audio affirmations.
If you wonder how you are going to record all of this, there is a free computer recording program available on the internet called “Audacity”. It has a clean and simple interface. You can record from your microphone input or you can also record any audio that is being streamed over the internet. It produces very high quality audio and can be saved in MP3 format.
So there you go, this is a very simple, inexpensive and very effective way to create your own affirmation audios.
If you don’t want to go to the work of creating your own affirmation tapes, there are many good commercial products on the market. If you choose that route, make sure that the affirmations are well written and set to the 60 beat background music. They can be very effective. One note of caution. Forget about subliminal audios. Every scientific test performed on subliminal audios have proven that they are totally ineffective. Don’t waste your money on subliminals.